Document Control and Cloud Document Management Professional

CLOUD DOCUMENT management-
Document Control and Cloud Document Management Professional course aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage documents in a cloud environment, ensuring compliance, efficiency, and security while maximizing the value of organizational information assets. At the end of this course, you will have comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and technologies involved in managing documents effectively, particularly in the context of cloud-based solutions. Here’s a general outline of what this course might cover:

Learning objectives
In this course, you will learn:
  • Fundamental principles of document control.
  • Understand regulatory compliance requirements.
  • Exploring various types of Cloud-based Document Management Systems (DMS).
  • Overview of cloud computing concepts.
  • Document workflow automation.
  • Information security in document management.
  • Tools and techniques for collaboration and communication.
  • Document change management strategies.
    Introduction to Document Control
  • Lesson 1: Overview of ERP systems and their significance in sourcing and procurement
  • Lesson 2:Evolution of ERP systems and current market trends
  • Lesson 3: Benefits and challenges of implementing ERP in sourcing and procurement contexts

    Document Management Systems (DMS)
  • Lesson 1: Overview of traditional DMS
  • Lesson 2: Advantages and limitations
  • Lesson 3: Introduction to cloud-based DMS

    Cloud Document Management Fundamentals
  • Lesson 1: Characteristics and benefits of cloud-based document management.
  • Lesson 2: Types of cloud deployment models (public, private, hybrid)
  • Lesson 3: Security and compliance considerations

    Selecting a Cloud Document Management Solution
  • Lesson 1: Criteria for evaluating cloud DMS providers.
  • Lesson 2: Features comparison
  • Lesson 3: Vendor selection process

    Implementing Cloud Document Management Systems
  • Lesson 1: Planning and preparation.
  • Lesson 2: Data migration strategies
  • Lesson 3: Integration with existing systems

    Managing Documents in the Cloud
  • Lesson 1: Uploading, organizing, and categorizing documents.
  • Lesson 2: Version control and document history tracking
  • Lesson 3: Access control and permissions management

    Collaboration and Workflow Automation
  • Lesson 1: Real-time collaboration features
  • Workflow automation tools.
  • Lesson 3: Document review and approval processes
  • Lesson 4: Change management strategies
  • User adoption and engagement techniques

    Security and Compliance in Cloud Document Management
  • Lesson 1: Data security best practices
  • Lesson 2: Compliance with industry regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)
  • Lesson 3: Disaster recovery and business continuity planning

    Final Project or Capstone
  • Lesson 1: Application of knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course.
  • Lesson 2: Planning and executing a mock ERP implementation project.
  • Lesson 3: Presentation of findings and recommendations.

    Certification Exam Preparation
  • Lesson 1: Review of key concepts covered in the course.
  • Lesson 2: Practice exams and quizzes.
  • Lesson 3: Exam-taking strategies and tips.
  • Conclusion
  • Exam

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      InvexERP-ExcellentBridge Certified Experts

  This course includes:

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     Duration:  10 Weeks

      Skill Level:   Professional

      Language:   English

     Units:   8

     Price:   ₦365,000

Book your certification exam

If you are already an InvexERP user, you can validate your skills by completing the certification
exam and gain a highly recognized accreditation.

Document Control and Cloud Document Management Professional

This certification verifies that the candidate has the knowledge required in the area of Document Control and Cloud Document Management Professional. It validates ExcellentBridge Certified Application Associate that provides faster, and a more efficient information workflows in organizations evaluating their document management processes in both hard copy and digital formats.

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InvexERP Certification Preparatory Group

Join our ExcellentBridge Certification preparatory Group to collaborate with other learners and establish your learning journey.